Bon Appétit in Normandy!

Bon Appétit in Normandy!

21 July 2017

After a tiring journey, everybody arrived safely at the wonderful Château du Molay. During the visit to Rennes girls strolled around the colourful food market and bought a wide range of fresh products including des cerises, des fraises, des abricots, des oranges, du saucisson et du bon fromage. The visit to Le Mont St Michel proved to be very hot and excellent for fitness; so many steps to climb to reach the abbaye! Everyone was very grateful for the lovely meal awaiting the group at the Château: Escargots et cuisses de grenouille! Délicieux! On the last day in France the girls and staff visited the famous La tapisserie de Bayeux, which offered a lovely ending to another successful French trip. Thanks go to the MFL department for organising this culinary and cultural visit.

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