Online talk on ‘Conversations about Racism’ from former Head Girl Stephanie Bank

Online talk on ‘Conversations about Racism’ from former Head Girl Stephanie Bank

29 June 2020

Upper Sixth girls from St George’s Ascot engaged with the issues of race and discrimination when former Head Girl Stephanie Bankole spoke to them as part of their ‘SGAprepared’ post-A Level course.

With discussions about race, discrimination and unconscious bias at the forefront of the agenda, it was a privilege for the Upper Sixth girls of St George’s Ascot to hear from former Head Girl, Stephanie Bankole, on how to open up conversations in the school community about racism. In her talk which has since been shared with all pupils, staff and parents, she encouraged the girls to talk about this vital issue ‘with greater fluidity and less awkwardness’. This inspired a number of very positive and far reaching discussions about diversity within the school community and helped the girls to think about positive changes that could be made to ensure every individual feels valued whatever their race or ethnicity.

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