Northampton High celebrate European Day of Languages ahead of October Open Days

Northampton High celebrate European Day of Languages ahead of October Open Days

3 October 2023

Northampton High School, known for its ‘excellent’ educational offer, is successful in nurturing high-achieving linguists and igniting a passion for languages in young people. Whilst national figures for students studying Modern Foreign Languages follow a seemingly negative trajectory, pupils at the Northamptonshire school appear all the more enthused by language learning and whole-heartedly embraced a week dedicated to strengthening their linguistic abilities.

As an independent school for girls aged 2-18, Northampton High ensures that even their youngest learners can enjoy enriching events such as European Day of Languages; facilitating a programme of enhancing activities for their 500 students. Along with a host of other leadership opportunities, select pupils take great pride in becoming Language Leaders and do an exemplary job of championing the importance of language learning in school.

Commencing the week-long celebrations, the student leaders, whose ages range between Year 10 and Year 13, presented a fantastic assembly to underline the cognitive advantages of language acquisition and the value of multilingualism in present and future endeavours. With more than 20 different home languages spoken across the pupil body, the school community promotes the cultural and educational value of language, as well as highlighting the professional opportunities this may bring in the future.

The High School’s European Day of Languages week played host to a series of exciting workshops, with students enjoying Turkish and Russian taster sessions, German dance classes and creative flag workshops. Extending further than European languages, they also facilitated a Punjabi session and a salsa dance class for beginners, which were both very well attended. French, Spanish, German and Latin are already part of the curriculum at Northampton High, and pupils were delighted to be introduced to new languages, foods and cultures during this special week!

Delighted to be leading this celebration, Sandy Black, Head of Languages Faculty, commented: “It was fantastic for Languages to be in the spotlight during this special week at Northampton High. Our students were able to enjoy a range of activities and educational sessions, encouraging them to get creative and be inspired by their learning. Our Language Leaders shone throughout the celebrations, delivering Junior School and Senior School assemblies on the importance of languages, as well as assisting in various workshops, guiding and supporting younger students. We look forward to watching them continue to be amazing ambassadors and role models in the Languages Faculty this year.”

In a school that is made for girls, staff are experts in providing pupils with an enriching and wholesome education, and events such as European Day of Languages play an important role in their calendar. Northampton High invites you to find out more about their Languages Faculty and ‘excellent’ educational offer at their upcoming Open Mornings on Saturday 7 and Friday 13 October. Book your place today:

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