Children Experience Life in a Victorian Classroom

Children Experience Life in a Victorian Classroom

21 May 2021

Girls and boys in Y2 at Bolton School enjoyed a history lesson with a difference as they were thrown back in time to experience a real life Victorian classroom.

Teacher Mrs Clarke said: ‘The children were terrified to learn about the horrible punishments and how strict the teachers were! They learned such a lot from this wonderful workshop and were fully grateful to go to school now rather than then! They practised the three Rs and had a go writing on slate boards with slate pencils. They took part in “Morning inspection” where their hair, hands and shoes were closely monitored! Fortunately all of the children had shoes on…in Victorian times these were a luxury! They chanted their 5 times tables and were able to look at the dreaded cane and the finger stocks!’

Luckily after playtime all was back to a normal smiley Beech House!

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